Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Ida, your inner rock star is Bjork!
Wow, your inner rock star is Bjork.You've charmed the world with your beautiful, zany, personal style. To say you're a member of the alternative set would be a gross understatement. You and Bjork define alternative in its purest form. You've got nothing to prove, it's your remarkably creative point of view that lets you make art from anythingโ€”art,music, politicsโ€”whatever makes you passionate.
It's just who you are. You've got the courage to experiment with your style and career, and all the while remaining positively sweet and humble. You are as much a free spirit as they come. Celebrate your inner Bjork.
Brought to you by Tickle
Test ke-2, Who's Your Movie Star Double?
Ida, your movie star double is Drew Barrymore
A free spirit like you needs to be played by someone who knows what it's like to carve out her own niche. That's why Drew Barrymore would be great for the part. Whether she's starring in unique films like Riding in Cars With Boys and Ever After, or heading out into town with daring dates, Drew refuses to conform to Hollywood's mold for leading ladies.
Like Drew, you have a unique outlook and passion that shines througheverything you do. And if you're truly like Drew, you're not afraid to show everyone who you are.
Brought to you by Tickle
Gak penting banget seh postingan kali ini... wekekekek. Yaa gimana ya bapak-bapak ibu-ibu, namanya juga penasaran n iseng... Tapi asik juga lagi, menghapus kesedihan di siang hari. Soalnya, sebenarnya gw lagi sedih... hiks. Lumayan buat lucu-lucuan alias hiburan diri. Apalagi kalo teman-teman sekalian sama isengnya dengan saya, sok atuh test yourself ! :) Smileeeeeee....
whaa, aku test kok hasilnya juga Drew ya???
pakabar mbak ida?
Asyik buat iseng isengan neh....heheh...bubye mama lorenz (tukang ramal - red)...wekekekekk...
Makasih yah mba, duh aku doyan banget deh kuis2 begini..
baideweh eknapa sedih mba? cup cup cup :hugs:
wah, jadi penasaran sama diri sayah, klo bole tau testnya ada di mana mbak? mo ikutan neh, hehe...
me on rainy days
Mother of Damara Fallon Muda Siregar and Kilgor Makarim Muda Siregar. A woman who has so many things to say about my feelings and my thought but still has difficulties to share the stories. Love the rain and cloud a lot and jokes n coffee addict. The Rain... loving it !
rainy days
Kesian [kasihan] lihat monyetnya... Lagu Kebangsaan... Syndrome gak jelas... Waktu hujan turun, rintik perlahan... Saya Suka Humor.... 31 taon... Bila Keyboard Jatuh Cinta... Kiri jauh ! yah kejauhan deh !... Ibu yang baik kah.... Hold me till the morning comes...fallen raindrops
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